Does the CWS Harrisonburg Refugee Program help recent arrivals find work? Yes. Our office provides comprehensive employment services for our clients. Because our clients have a diversity of skills, training and experience we work with many different valley employers. Some of our clients are employed in the various food and poultry processing related local work places. Others work in food services such as local cafeteria and dining services. Others work on housekeeping and hotels. Some work in retail and sales. We also help our clients upgrade from entry level positions if they are interested and improve their English skills. Many of our clients have been able to earn their Certified Driving License or other certificates in areas that lead to greater salaries and achieve their career goals. Our staff does employment counseling, job skills readiness training, assistance with applications and interviewing skills. We believe satisfactory employment is the key to self sufficiency and integration into the community.
Why hire a refugee? Refugees are very committed to learning, working and making a safe place for their families. Employers find them to be loyal, quick learners and reliable. Refugees are grateful for a chance to learn job skills and earn a living. We think hiring a refugee will ensure you have hardworking efficient staff and workers in your workplace.