Our services for refugees start before they ever set foot on American soil. When we receive notice of their arrival, we prepare safe and affordable housing with basic furnishings and food for the first days after arrival.
During a refugee’s first month in the US, we provide the following Core Services:
- Safe, clean, and affordable housing
- Essential furnishings for their new home
- Food and food allowance
- Necessary clothing
- Assistance in health screening and appropriate health programs
- Assistance in applying for Social Security Cards
- Registering the children in school
- Employment training and employment services
- Cultural Orientation
- English language training or referral
After their first few months, most refugees start work and no longer receive financial support from our office. However, we continue to support them if they need additional help finding a job, signing up for English classes, or communicating with their children’s schools.
We also provide Immigration Services through our Board of Immigration Appeals accredited staff.